Kintyre has become more popular this year due to the creation of the Route 66, which seeks to encourage travelers to drive all the way around the penisula. It is well worthwhile and not only if you love whisky.
If you aim to travel from St Andrews I would recommend to at least stay one night as the four hour drive is way too nice to rush. There are many attractions to see on the way and – as always- it is good to allow time to take it all in.
Coming back to whisky for a moment Campbeltown had as many as 30 whisky distilleries back in the days but nearly ceased as a whisky region in the more recent past as it requires a minimum of three distilleries. This lead to the creation of Glengyle (producing Kilkerran) (and from my very personal experience what luck this was).
Currently Campbeltown hosts:

Glengyle (Kilkerran)

Last but not least the independent bottler Cadenhead
Your tastebuds and even more so your nose can explore the entirety of the wold of Scotch from triple distilled Hazelburn, 2.5 times for Springbank and also smooth Glen Scotia, but if you love it smoky or rather peaty Longrow (2 times distilled) and Kilkerran will accommodate you.
Taking the Springbank Tour enables the visitor to observe the malting process, which is rather rare these days as most distilleries outsource the process.
You bypass the peat before you enter the malting floor and it does feel rather special. Unlike many other distilleries the moment youset foot into Springbank you have entered a working process rather than a visitor centre. It feels authentic and as real as the town Campbeltown itself.
When we visited Glen Scotia had not yet restarted their tours but we did visit the shop and had a lenghty conversation with Hannah which revealed that Campbeltown is expecting two new distilleries to open in due course.
We opted for the Cadenhead Warehouse tasting which was very special but also left us very drunk. I should add for once I had no driving to perform as we had rented accommodation in walking distance.
The Washback Bar is a new addition and offers delicious lunches as well as whisky of course. We very much appreciated the fact that the bar was dog-friendly also. So our two dogs could join us.

Besides whisky Campbeltown has stunningly beautiful surroundings and walks and we even spotted seals on our morning walk.
Within Campbeltown everything is reachable on foot, which makes it a particular fabulous location to sample all these lovely whiskies!
You could expand this tour to a week easily.
If you are interested do get in touch:
Possible Itinerary:

Day 1:
8 am St Andrews
9.30 St Fillan’s at Lochearnhead Coffee Stop
12.30 lunch a Inverary (maybe visit the castle?)
3.30 pm Springbank Tour
5pm settle into Accommodation
7pm Dinner in town

Day 2:
9 am Breakfast
11.30 am Cadenhead Tour
1 pm Lunch
4 pm Lochgilphead Coffee Stop
Drive along Loch Lomond
6pm Stirling Castle (perhabs dinner?)
9 pm St Andrews