As of today, 3rd of July 2020, people in Scotland may travel further than five miles for leisure purposes, caravan parks and other self catering businesses may open up again and also beer gardens. For daily updates for Scotland Click here

There is also some talk of reducing the 2m disctancing for some hospitality businesses, which hopefully enables smaller venues to survive.
Additionally the 14 day quarantine might be lifted for certain countries.
For Starfish Travel we expect to rely predominantly on UK visitors to join us for bespoke tours in 2020. For 2021 we sincerely hope to welcome back the rest of the world. So if you are planning a trip please do get in touch and we will assist you with any questions and worries you may have.

Our vehicles are santised after each use. We have soft, transparant partititions installed to separate passengers from the driver. Hand sanitisers and face mask are available and our drivers use both. All our vehiscles are MPVs and offer six seats separated from the driver currently arranged in conference seating . So six people of the same household and can travel safely.

For the future we have some exiting plans which involves diving into SCITOUR, which is a project involing scientific tourism in remote areas.
There was also and article in the Herald. The project so far involves a number of very exiting companies and we hope to be part of it.
We have created a SPECIALS PAGES where will publish new exiting ideas on attraction, venues and sites. So, do visit it on regular intervals and by all means leave us a comment below if you have a great idea!