After the Covid-19 pandemic we should all focus on the clima issues we are facing.
Quite some time ago we went to a Fife Council event on electric cars as taxis in Glenrothes. Back then the cars shown were not really practical due to the limited reach (mileage) and the time it took to recharge.
As my current vehicle happens to be an eight seater I did not engage further regarding the option of a electric alternative to my current Viano MPV. Not that long ago Mercedes started advertising an electric version of the Vito and I got all exited until I read the mileage 93. This even with a good infrastructure of charging points just does not seem enough.
I had obviously heard of Tesla but never considered them due to the lack of seats. However, they do produce the current Model X as seven seater and the new Model Y will also come as seven seaters. Also both of them do come with tow bars (Golfers I see you nodding).

My test vehicle was this beautiful, blue Model S3 today and driving it really blew my mind away. First and foremost the car is so silent, such a delight. The road handling even across Edinburgh’s potholed roads was amazing. The acceleration put my former Lotus Elise to shame and can be envied by most motorbikes. Even more amzing is the negative acceleration which again compares well with a motorbike.
The interior, storage capacity and screen are all very refined and the entire handling of the car is purely intuitive.
Bottomline I really did not want get back out (and back in my until now as comfortable considered Viano).
Both Model X & Y are currently not available and rather costly and even the two secondhand Model Xs were not cheap. However, both exceeded the 93 mile reach even five year old.
Now, let me ask you how would you feel if I could offer you a ride in a fully electric car?

I will go ahead and test drive some other electric vehile options and make a plan for the future….