Early in the year I ventured off to Lewis and Harris to visit both Abhainn Dearg and Hearach Distilleries. I had already fallen in love with both their standard expressions and was totally blown away by the cask strength Abhainn Dearg. I am not usually a cask strength lover, but here we are:

The Fife Whisky Festival in Cupar allowed me to take home one of Woodrow’s Bunnahabhain which I truly adore:

As I am mad about Bunnahabhainn I also bought this and teamed it up with teh Woodrow and one of the alltime best expressions of Bruichladdich’s Black Art.

Almost as much as I like Bunnahabhainn I am daft about the Dafties and have always some stashed. If you have been on a whisky tour with me you very likely will have tried one (next to my beloved NcNean of course). Some of you even have been lucky enough to open one of those bottles. If you do not know about Daftmill. You are missing out big time.

I also emptied my Lindores Abbey sherry to replace it very quickly in the lovely shop in Anstruther, who knew?

Last but not least I got my hand sand tastebuds onto the inauguaral Ardnahoe, which is much loved by me and you can certainly taste the Jim McEwan‘s influence.

What has your whisky journey been like in 2024? Tell me!!!
Also, I have been enjoying playing with the Bevvy app. I had intended to put all the bottles up but not all are available, here are a few and the Black Art 4.1 even got tasting notes from Charles MacLean.